Students put on an immersive theater production where they acted, built, and designed stage sets to Anna Deavere Smith’s “Twilight Los Angeles: 1992” in collaboration with professional stage designers Michael McKeon and Nick Mansfield. Questions observed in class: 1 )How can we use theater and film to encourage dialogue across lines of power and race? 2) What can we learn from the 1992 riots in Los Angeles to understand contemporary race and social class relations in the United States? 3) How do we produce and stage a play using techniques from immersive theater? |
Ninth grade students from High Tech High Chula Vista created watercolor ink prints that are inspired by close interactions with third graders from Vista Square Elementary. Students from both grade levels formed connections as they grew together through their exploration of physics and the written word. While exploring the laws of physics and electronics, they conducted experiments that the ninth graders designed and demonstrated with their third grade buddies. Through the creation of bio poems, reading, and personal interviews, the ninth graders learned what excited and motivated their younger companions, what their hopes and fears for the future were, and how to assume the role of mentors. Inspired by these experiences, the ninth graders created a series of prints that playfully aim to empower and encourage those who view them. HISTORY FROM ABOVE ---->
FOR THIS PROJECT, WE STUDIED THE SIGNIFICANCE AND CONSEQUENCES OF WORLD WAR II AND THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR. WE THEN RESPONDED TO THESE FOUR QUESTIONS: 1) WHY DO PEOPLE PERSECUTE OTHER GROUPS OF PEOPLE? 2) WHY DO PEOPLE FOLLOW CRUEL LEADERS? 3) WHY DO PEOPLE SEE OTHERS IN NEED AND DO NOTHING? 4) WHY ARE CIVILIANS TARGETED IN WAR? Through the observation of mise en scene, cinematic techniques, performance art, and experimental films, we created a silent film that brings into visualization our essential questions. |
For this project, we selected and researched a controversial issue being experienced in contemporary society. For example, we explored topics such as abortion, the U.S. healthcare system, immigration, environmental preservation, and Donald Trump. Our research and class discussions culminated in a lenticular, which is a double sided image that shifts as you move. Each represents two perspectives of our selected issue: the opposition and our own opinion. OBJECTIVE . HOPE = To cultivate an awareness and openness to a wide range of points-of-views that challenge our own beliefs and understandings. |